Whats going on?

Good morning bloggers!
I hope you had a wonderful weekend! We had a mixture of events
here- impromptu photo shoot, 
lots of computer technical stuff work (boo), sickness(boo), 
I was a part of a concert (yay)...here I am in blue and black!
((love singing but I hate seeing pictures of myself!)
On Halloween hubby and I went out to dinner at Texas Road House and the waiters
were all dressed up and look at how cute this girl was...

Her name is Jessica and she made her own own costume including the hat which
was totally adorable and what caught my eye to begin with!
She said she made it it out of burlap, stuck it in a glue mixture- half glue and half water,
then formed the hat as it was drying. She said it was easy and she's not really that creative-
 umm what? I think she totally is! Seriously ! This is so darling, I already went and bought
some burlap, you know I am not opposed to making three hats for three unsuspecting kids  
to wear on Thanksgiving just for some fun pictures! LOL! 
And yes I already bought the burlap this weekend too!
Stay tuned!!!
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Orange Juice. <body>

Who wants orange juice?
It's fresh.

Basically, your welcome message
right here.