New sketches and logo

Hello artsy friends! Well you would think that by taking on less teams that 
I would have more time on my hands! Well somehow it doesn't seem to work out that way
so I am am making another adjustment to my schedule. From now through Jan
I am letting myself off the hook and am only going to blog on Mondays and Thursdays.
I want my blog to have good content and I have a lot going on so I feel like 
I can do two days a week. Of course I am working on a lot of other things,
I just can't reveal them yet but here are some peeks...
(Did you notice the new logo? What do you think? It doesn't work yet, but it's coming soon!)

 Here are some rough sketches - I hit a stumbling block 
but I should have it cleared up soon, my vision totally changed.
Which might explain the migraines...and the double vision uggh.
Anyways my new glasses should be here tomorrow yay!

 It's been really hard to focus because I am straining my eyes, then I get the headaches
then I have to stop so I haven't gotten much done lately.  
I hope my new glasses will be in tomorrow!

That's all I have to share today I hope you are having a fabulous day. 

 photo 30f97b72-4f96-4dea-ae94-1e7248df6f50_zps1fa57618.jpg

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Orange Juice. <body>

Who wants orange juice?
It's fresh.

Basically, your welcome message
right here.