Sneaky Peeky!

Hi guys!  A little sneak for you on something I have been up to but you will have to wait until April 1st for the full reveal (and that is not an April fools trick I promise!) 

I've been busy. busy . busy lots of stuff coming up...
Meanwhile our family is super excited that they have started on our house!!! Here are some pics!
 This is the left side of the back yard- I am standing where the back of the house ends, hubby is in the farthest corner of the house. 
 These are from the back of the house, looking at the nieghbors! I now it doesn't seem like much - I really wish I could get an ariel view - it wasa interesting to see all the rooms roped off! Anyways in my shopping lately I found this really cool wall art and took a picture to share with you!

Oh and remember these faires?
 I have a tutorial for them at Design Memory Craft! If you make one please show me!!! I would love to see!!!And don't forget to leave a comment over there if you check it out!!! Thanks!!
Have great day!

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Orange Juice. <body>

Who wants orange juice?
It's fresh.

Basically, your welcome message
right here.